This landscape design /installation project in Carmel Valley took us close to three weeks to complete. The first week we cleared the bed and hauled away the debris. The second week we installed a new irrigation system - backflow, valves, time clock, etc. The third week we planted and mulched. This is only phase 1- much more work to be done in the near future. The expansiveness of this property has us only scratching the surface. It's an awesome estate, teeming with wildlife and large specimen oaks. While we were here we saw a red tailed hawk, a flock of wild turkeys, wood rat nests and evidence of deer.
We are looking forward to phase 2. Many clients of ours like to work in phases, chipping away at the projects incrementally, the front yard one year the back yard the next. If you live in Carmel, Big Sur, Pebble Beach, Pacific Grove or Monterey and you have some landscape projects you want to tackle, calls us for a free landscape estimate. We are happy to help with your entire landscape project all at once or we can do it in phases- whichever you like.