Gardening near the coast can be extremely challenging - you're dealing with wind, salt, sand shear and hydrophobic soils. Selecting a plant pallet that looks good and survives is no easy task. Just walk on Scenic Road in Carmel and look very closely at what's growing in the landscape. You will see that only a handful of plants varieties exist, many of which are burned on one side. This is the biggest challenge of coastal gardening- your plants getting wind whipped and sand sheared to death. It's sad, homeowners are frustrated that they have thrown away thousands of dollars installing plants that don't survive because they are not salt tolerant. If you live near the coast (Carmel, Big Sur, Pebble Beach, Pacific Grove, Monterey) and you need help designing a landscape that is salt tolerant call us for a free estimate.
Here we used Phormium 'Yellow wave', Chondropetalum tectorum 'El Campo', Agave 'Blue Flame', Leucadendron salignum "summer red' and Grevillea langiera "Jade Mound'.