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Are deer eating your plants?

Deer can be serious garden pests that show up at night and eat your plants. They have a taste for Roses, Hydrangeas, Camellias, Maples, Azaleas, Geraniums, Daylily, Agapanthus, Dodonea, Loropetalum, Ceanothus, Heucheras, Lantana, Pittosporum, Indian Hawthorne, Fuchsias, Hebes, Succulents, Citrus, Fruit trees and just about everything if they are hungry enough. For some reason Deer don't like Leucadendrons, Lavenders, Rosemary, Coleonema "sunset gold", Phormiums, Acacias, Senecios, Westringias, Grasses, certain Saliva types. If you need help planning out a garden that the Deer won't eat- call us for a free consultation.

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